Stepping Up Participation

Improving access to regulatory hearings

January 18, 2022

The CER makes sure Canadians and Indigenous peoples can fully participate in our regulatory hearing processes to share their views about a proposed project. Improving access for all participants underscores our commitment to fair, inclusive, transparent, and efficient hearings and decisions.

We have worked closely with external users and Code for Canada to re-imagine how people can participate in a hearing. This highly collaborative approach allowed us to hear from and consider the needs of all user groups.

This new Portal makes it easier to take part in a hearing as an intervenor or commenter with simplified access and streamlined processes. Commenters no longThis is an example of the change – old (How it started) vs new (How it’s going)er have to sign in using a GCKey, and there are fewer steps for all participants.

The Portal increases transparency, makes it easier to access, increases efficiency, and ensures inclusive access to better meet the needs of all hearing participants. This initiative contributes to greater accessibility and easier participation in CER hearings for the public and Indigenous peoples.

Our Participant Toolbox provides useful resources, step-by-step instructions and tips on how to register and participate in a hearing.

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